Alberto Toril, nuevo técnico del Madrid C

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La mala racha del Real Madrid C en el grupo VII de la Tercera División se ha cobrado la cabeza del que, hasta hoy, era su técnico, Antonio Díaz Carlavilla que será sustituido por un hombre que militó como jugador en el club madridista, Alberto Toril.

Después de caer el pasado domingo ante el Getafe B en la Ciudad Deportiva de Valdebebas (0-1), el segundo filial del Real Madrid cayó a la zona de descenso en su grupo de clasificación. De esta forma, los blancos ocupan la 17ª posición de la tabla con 33 puntos, a tres del Galáctico Pegaso.

El ya ex entrenador del Real Madrid C seguirá vinculado al club blanco, colaborando con las categorías inferiores del equipo madridista. Alberto Toril, por su parte, comenzará su andadura como técnico del filial a partir de mañana martes a las 11:00 de la mañana.
Mensajes: 2
Registrado: Mar-2009


self-trust is the first secret of success.

Im sure Daddy didnt mean to hurt her and he would have died if the bullet had accidentally hit either of us. But something more poisonous than alcohol drove him to that level of debasement. It would be a long time before I could understand such forces in others or in myself. When Daddy got out of jail he had sobered up in more ways than one and was so ashamed that nothing bad happened for some time.

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In addition to my neighbors and Mack McLarty, I became friends with some other kids who stayed with me for a lifetime. One of them, Joe Purvis, had a childhood that made mine look idyllic. He grew up to be a fine lawyer, and when I was elected attorney general, FFXI Gil I hired Joe on my staff. When Arkansas had an important case before the U.S. Supreme Court, I went, but I let Joe make the argument. Justice Byron Whizzer White sent me a note from the bench saying that Joe had done a good job. Later, Joe became the first chairman of my Birthplace Foundation.